Scaffolding & chinking....

We're finally getting to the second story height for the outside chinking, so we converted on of our 32' extension ladders to a set of scaffolding walkboards. Took them apart, which gave us two 16' sections. Just long enough to go from the center out, & overhang past the overdangles.

We put some 3/8" plywood over the rungs & used 1-1/4" pipe clamps from the backside to secure the wood but not damage the ladder, & added some brackets to sit on the ladder jack:

Then we lifted the end of the walkboard up to the overdangle, tie it on so it couldn't slide off, then used a rope to lift the center up to the ladder jack. We also strung up a safety line behind us as extra precaution:

Here's Jessica working on the chinking...


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