
Showing posts from April, 2019
Footer was poured last week, and stem walls are also done as of today. No pics of completed yet, but here is the footer .

Garage foundation digging

We started digging the garage foundation, and hit a corner of granite. We are 90% ready, but they have to bring a machine with a jackhammer attachment later this week to knock a few feet of rock out of the way. Tom and Kevin were back out yesterday in the rain and finished removing the corner of rock . Josh our builder will be out to form footers tomorrow! Then inspection, them concrete.

Ready to start again

After a long cold Jan/Feb, things are finally thawed and we are ready to go. Found builder - check. Garage plans drawn up - check. Revised log home plans - check. Applied for & approved permits - check (much more expensive than Indiana!) Weather permitting we'll be digging garage foundation this weekend, and the footers to go in shortly after.