
Showing posts from 2011

Entryway almost complete

Stone is almost done on the entryway. Need another afternoon of decent weather to finish it off!

Looking like it should....

The roof framing is finished on the entryway and just needs flashing & shingles. Yesterday put a good dent into the decking as well, just have to finish the stairs & figure out some nice railing, then clean & stain the logs.

Entryway Coming along....

Few more days and the front entryway will be done!

Porch almost done

Main roof is done except for some flashing at the top, then just have to stain the logs & put the decking down. Was nice to sit outside & have a coffee after the rain this morning.

Porch progress

Things have been slow because of weather & work travel, but it is coming along.

Starting the porch & entryway finally!

Getting started with the porch finally. Here are the 12" supports, they go down past the frost line. Dug by hand & took about 7 bags of concrete each. The cement mixer paid for itslef yet again! Mike & I got the first one up by hand: Last 2 I did myself using a chain hoist & some braces, worked out well: All 3 up, I also have about 1/2 the joists done now too but didn't get a picture. next will be putting a horizontal log across the top, then building a roof ontop :

Bookshelf is done!

Jessica needed a bookshelf, so we finally came up with a plan. We looked online a bunch & found some interesting designs. Started with the cheapest pine 1x10 we could find & "distressed" it, then followed with super dark stain, & some clear coat. Then we made about 22 separate boxes, 12"x24", & stacked them in random patterns, overall it's about 7' square, lots of room for books. We rearranged the room a bit, moved the desk over, and hung up our first picture (after 2 years!) This was a wedding gift from Uncle Duane (he painted it!) & Auntie Elaine. Next up is a porch & entryway...waiting on a building permit.

Lazy dogs....

The dogs like the heat coming through the south facing door.....they are so lazy, but at least they are getting along. We are working on building a bookshelf, pics when it's done....


Want to know the worst way to wake up at 3am?? The plastic clips letting go in the closet, & a bunch of clothes hitting the floor all at once. Don't think it would be loud, but there was a good bang & we jumped. Keep in mind this was Jessica's side haha, too many clothes? You can see the broken clip on the right. The left is what it should look like. Spaced every 16"...yah right. I replaced them with metal clips & added an extra center support to the bottom, so hopefully this won't happen again.