Chinking, chinking, & more chinking...

For the last two weekends we have been busy chinking the inside of the house. We have accomplished quite a bit, it seem to be going much faster than when were were chinking the outside. It might have something to do with working off of floors and it not being 90+ degrees outside.

We had quite a bit of help this weekend, and it was nice having an extra day due to the holiday. On Friday and Saturday Travis ( Log Home Builder Member KingLewey70) came down to help. It turned out that he was quite the chinker, even though it was the first time he had ever chinked. He is welcome to come and help anytime.

On Sunday we were pretty chinked out and decided to clean up the logs a little. For those that have never chinked before, it is a very messy and dusty task. No matter how hard you try to keep the lines perfect and the excess chinking off the other logs it seems to make it's way there. Another Log Home builder member Chris (ribbonevt) came to check out our progress and lend a hand. Chris had a great idea that we are going to try out next weekend. He suggested that we use blue painters tape above and below the chink line, should help with the extra chink that gets everywhere!

Here are some pictures of us cleaning:

More inside chinking near living room:

Thanks for the help guys!


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