Chinking (Day 1)

We started on the chinking this weekend to give us a change from stuffing insulation. It doesn't go quite as quickly as insulating & nailing. We are using the mortar recipe recommended on the log forum, we were able to get ~ 1 -1 1/2 rows completed per mixture. LHBA member JAK (Joe) came down with his family from Illinois to help for all of Saturday & a few hours on Sunday
(Thanks!!!! Help is greatly appreciated & was good meeting you guys). With their help & Tim's we were able to get the first 5 row completed on each side.

How's this for a chinking assembly line?

Here's Tim working on the corner

He did such a good job that we gave him that job for the weekend!

This was another visitor on Sunday morning.


Allen said…
Your home looks amazing. I, too, am in Indiana and am hoping to build in the next couple of years. Congratulations on a job well done

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