Weekend work
Jessica spent the weekend cleaning chinking off the inside logs. Fun job :)
I spent most of the weekend in the crawlspace insulating the floor.
We had a freak heat-wave, all the snow melted & it was close to 50, so I stopped by the local plumbing shop, & picked up the proper connector to attach the water main to the meter.
It was a 'bit' muddy but I got it hooked up, no leaks.

We also finished the guest bath vanity top + faucet. We had a different faucet picked out, but it was a 4" center, the top we bought was 8", so we returned the faucet & found one similar that fit better. Almost ready for the plumber...
I spent most of the weekend in the crawlspace insulating the floor.
We had a freak heat-wave, all the snow melted & it was close to 50, so I stopped by the local plumbing shop, & picked up the proper connector to attach the water main to the meter.
It was a 'bit' muddy but I got it hooked up, no leaks.
We also finished the guest bath vanity top + faucet. We had a different faucet picked out, but it was a 4" center, the top we bought was 8", so we returned the faucet & found one similar that fit better. Almost ready for the plumber...