
Showing posts from July, 2022

almost there

 We are 2 logs away from being done course 10! That means 1 more regular row, then the big 50' , 24" diameter cap logs, and ridge pole. Jessica has been pressure washing the logs, got a lot of dirt and grey off them. We also used the leftover footer lumber to make a walkway around the back side.


 Middle/ last RPSL (ridge pole support log) is installed. We had a broken machine, but after a bunch of testing/trying/fixing, it's finally good again. That took a few days.2 bad o rings, chunks of a broken filter clogging the cartridge, and a leaking cylinder. We set the middle vertical today after Jessica finished work. 1" all thread, countersunk. Our friend Jason welded the brackets that will go under the girders. Just finishing painting them.